ah, sweet solitude
after three months in crazy Africa and two weeks in hectic London, yesterday was exactly what i needed: some time in the quiet English countryside and a hike through the striking wilderness of Dartmoorsidenote: the little inn where i dined was built in 1329 .... Oliver Cromwell once stayed there!Labels: travel
introducing: iPhone
Apple recently posted a guided tour to their new iPhone ... what a magnificent little device!Labels: geek
ninety-nine days since my departure from Toronto, over a hundred since my departure from my job. it’s fruitless to consider how the time itself ‘feels’ to me (“it seems like yesterday that i was having hot showers in my cozy apartment!” v. “it feels like i haven’t had a soothing bath in ages!”) ... but what an experience so far:
my first glimpse of Africa
the first glimpse of my continuing freedom!
one thing that has solidified itself in my thinking, my feeling, and my overall belief system is my confidence in life itself; how everything works out wonderfully if only i listen to and follow my heart (my instincts, my path, my callitwhatyouwill) for where has life led me in the past three months that i have not wanted or needed to go?!
my travels around Malawi led me to meet an assortment of beautiful and inspiring people, and to experience many equally beautiful places.
my meeting V and having everything I knew to be right re-enforced and emphasized.
my decision to come to Malamulo not knowing how i would contribute, and the ‘coincidence’ that what they precisely needed from a volunteer was IT help.
my frustration leading me to ask for further purpose and social interaction, both of which were presented to me immediately upon my asking
my want of things to do leading to the incorporation of yoga and alexander (cognitive therapy for the body) into my daily routine.
my overspending ways coinciding with an unexpected windfall of cash from stock options, and this in tern coinciding with the need for loans to the hospital and my friend Léo.
and so i’m off to the UK on Thursday ... more updates from there, i’m sure! ;)Labels: travel