Friday, February 24, 2006

acronymania ...

what does MMO stand for (you ask?)

Massively Multiplayer Online (gaming)

Music Minus One

Materials and Manufacturing Ontario

Mercury Magnetospheric Orbiter

Minimum Municipal Obligation (municipal pension funds)

Man-Made Object

Maximum Operating Mach Number

Multimedia Outlet

Maintenance Management Officer

Multimedia Object

Mach Max Operating (aviation)

Modifications, Maintenance and Operations

Means, Motive and Opportunity

Main Mechanical Outfitting

Motorcycle Museum Online ... gotta love it!

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Thursday, February 23, 2006

mind ... going ... to ... explode ...

so now physicists have got a quantum computer to solve a problem ... without even turning it on?!

"By placing our photon in a quantum superposition of running and not running the search algorithm, we obtained information about the answer even when the photon did not run the search algorithm," said researcher Onur Hosten. "We also showed theoretically how to obtain the answer without ever running the algorithm, by using a 'chained Zeno' effect."

a detailed article (<= ouch)


Wednesday, February 22, 2006

the rise and fall of the third reich

i've seen two films recently which act as interesting bookends to the rise and fall of Adolph Hitler and the German Third Reich:

Max takes place in 1918, and is the story of an art gallery owner (played by John Cusack) who befriends a struggling young artist named Adolf Hitler. Max encourages young Hitler to channel his raw emotion into his art, while destiny, as we see, has him channel it elsewhere. Although the particulars of the story are fictional, the depiction of the young tyrant has strong roots in history, and the insights into his beliefs (and particularly, his understanding of art as propaganda) are as interesting as they are astonishing.

Fast-forward 25 years: Downfall takes us into Hitler's bunker during the brutal last days of the Third Reich. Seen through the eyes of his secretary Traudi Junge, optimism crumbles into grim realization and terror as it becomes clear that Germany's defeat is inevitable. As the Russian army circles the city, the dimly lit halls of the underground refuge become an execution chamber for the Führer and his closest advisors.

Controversial films? Absolutely. Worth viewing? I think so.


Saturday, February 18, 2006

today's word-of-the-day is ...



this week's concept-of-the-week is ...

Friday, February 17, 2006



Thursday, February 16, 2006

rumours abound ...

... of a new video iPod to be released this spring! apparently the screen will be enlarged to 3.5", will be touch-sensitive, and will incorporate the click wheel (which will disappear when not in use ...)

here's a mock-up that someone threw together ...

tales of lore ...

Born helpless, nude and unable to provide for himself, Lore Sjöberg eventually overcame these handicaps to become a gadabout, layabout and roustabout.


Wednesday, February 15, 2006

star trek this century?

Physicist to Present New Exact Solution of Einstein's Gravitational Field Equation from

New antigravity solution will enable space travel near speed of light by the end of this century, he predicts.

On Tuesday, Feb. 14, noted physicist Dr. Franklin Felber will present his new exact solution of Einstein's 90-year-old gravitational field equation to the Space Technology and Applications International Forum (STAIF) in Albuquerque. The solution is the first that accounts for masses moving near the speed of light.


there's a storm abrewin' ...

... on saturn

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Tuesday, February 14, 2006

wow, i'll find a valentine in no time!
Hot nerdy girls and indie rock boys! With glasses! Consumating is a site that helps geeks, nerds, hipsters, and bloggers find dates (and more!) that uses tags!
um, wow ... tags (?)
Geek 2 Geek - Whether you're looking for romance or just friendship, this is the place to hook up. There is no appearance information on profiles (no pictures either), true geeks just don't care about looks.
ssoo not true ... sausage-fest? what? ;)
MMO Dating ~ Dating for Gamers
enough said! look for chris, michelle, and james on this one! :P

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

happy birthday to ...

this blog! i just realized that i've been blogging for a year now!!
thanks to all of you for your support, and for lending me your eyes, hearts, and minds ...
and check out the archives! :)

today's word-of-the-day is ...



Tuesday, February 07, 2006

:.mixtape.: february edition

Emily Kane, by Art Brut
They Never Got You, by Spoon
Born in the '70s, by Ed Harcourt
Black Cab, by Jens Lekman
Expo '86, by Death Cab for Cutie
Anderson Mesa, by Jimmy Eat World
The Devil's Country, by The Earlies
Good for No One, by Herman Düne
Empty, by Metric

see last month's :.mixtape.:


Sunday, February 05, 2006

sits and sits and sits and thinks about its olive drab drab

Saturday, February 04, 2006

when i retire from the corporate world ... [updated]

spiritual pursuits: volunteer abroad (as soon as i retire .. for a break from my material world), volunteer / work for an NGO on a regular basis (make the world a better place), invest more time in yoga & meditation (explore compassion, live from my heart every day, resolve my anxiety issues), Reiki I, have a garden ...

creative pursuits: create music, deejay, make films (create visuals for concerts), paint (portraits of the sky), produce a substantial piece of writing, learn carpentry & upholstery (make furniture) & stained glass ...

intellectual pursuits: higher education. science courses (physics perhaps), humanities ... continue readinglearningreading ...

- get a dogg (a happy girl dog)
- study massage therapy (for family, friends, bartering)

- learn to knit and sew (make clothing & accessories)
- pick up a trade (carpenter / electrician / upholster)

- climb a mountain
- learn to surf
- build a cottage
- get a mac (fuck you, IBM)

travel (for longer than a week at a time)
- camp in northern ontario in the spring and fall
- drive across Canada (westward)
- kayak across the north west territories one summer

.... (follow caribou migrations, meet native canadians) (learn to kayak first)
- explore the east coast, esp. Newfoundland
- explore the south island of New Zealand

get odd jobs i've always wanted:

- work at an independent music store
- work in a small book store (or the public library)

- work on a farm (nz)
- radio host
- waiter (for curiosity as well as compassion's sake)
- mailman (or maybe just a paperboy again for a coupla weeks?)
- volunteer for the film / nxne festival

