more stolen words ...
... so it is with every one. just as i dress and go out to visit the professor and exchange a few more or less insincere compliments with him, without really wanting to at all, so it is with the majority of men day by day and hour by hour in their daily lives and affairs. without really wanting to at all, they pay calls and carry on conversations, sit out their hours at desks and on office chairs; and it is all compulsory, mechanical and against the grain, and it could all be done or left undone just as well by machines; and indeed it is this never-ceasing machinery that prevents their being, like me, the critics of their own lives and recognizing the stupidity and shallowness, the hopeless tragedy and waste of the lives they lead, and the awful ambiguity grinning over it all. and they are right, right a thousand times to live as they do, playing their games and pursuing their business, instead of resisting the dreary machine and staring into the void as i do, who have left the track.~ Hermann Hesse, SteppenwolfLabels: books
click and download ... trust me
ich bein der steppenwolf
reflecting thus, i walked on and on. yes, even without the chamber music and the friend. how foolish to wear oneself out in vain longing for warmth! solitude is independence. it had been my wish and with the years i had attained it. it was cold. oh, cold enough! but it was also still, wonderfully still and vast like the cold stillness of space in which the stars revolve.~hermann hesseLabels: books
an album to have a bath to ...
today's word-of-the-day is
1. anything whatever; any part: for aught I know
2. a cipher (0); zero.
3. to own; possess.
4. to owe; be obligated to.
5. eighth
such variety of definition!Labels: words
perspective, people ....
what happened in Montreal yesterday was, of course, terrible ... but i think the sensationalism of the whole thing is equally terrible. this guy wanted publicity, and that's what he's getting: his picture in every newspaper, his name repeated every minute on every news station, everyone around the water cooler going over yesterday's events again and again ...and then i think of the tragedy occurring in Darfur ... the Sudanese government doesn't want this to be publicized so they can continue with their policy of ethnic cleansing ... and we capitulate! thousands are killed each and every day and it's page-ten news ...of course, the difference is that what happened at Dawson 'could have happened to me' ... yes, well being born in Sudan could have happened to you too ...
topic ... topic ...
i haven't posted anything in far too long ... i could give you an update on my life, but i never wanted this to be a diary / livejournal sort of thing ... more of an ep(sa)ersonazine, you might say ...then again, you might be crazy! ;)so, a PSA: if you're looking for a fun read, and liked Lord of the Rings and/or Harry Potter, check out the His Dark Materials trilogy by Philip Pullman ... i just finished book two and it's addictive!(thank you to Michelle and Jon for that recommendation)Labels: books
hereis an intereting wikipedia entry on: