Friday, February 09, 2007

my letter of resignation (sent)

Hi Guys,

I'm writing to you today to officially give two weeks notice of my resignation from IBM Canada, effective Friday February 23.

As you are well aware, my personal goals and those of IBM have been diverging for quite some time. I could go on for pages explaining my points of view, but in short I subscribe to Gandhi's philosophy of "non-participation in anything you believe to be evil." I believe most large corporations to be inherently evil. Their sole purpose (their sole legally-sanctioned purpose, in fact) is to increase their own profits, the rest of the world (humans, the environment, other 'externalities') be damned. I never intended to work for one, will never work for one again, and look forward to the day when this flawed system of ownership is corrected, for all of our sakes.

All of that said, I would like to thank both of you personally; N___, for giving me a chance way-back-when; and G_____, for putting up with me for the past four years ... I realize that it hasn't always been easy. I hope that you wish me the best of luck in my future endeavors, as I wish each of you.

The rest of my life will be dedicated to varied pursuits, including living up to my own standards each and every day and trying to make the world a better place. My first step will be a trip to Africa next month, where I'll be volunteering at a teaching hospital and trying to rid myself of some of my materialist tendencies. I've been accused of being naive .... we shall see.

Please let me know if there are any administrative hoops I need to jump through to make this official; it's certainly indicative of our company (and my diminished interest in it) that I have no idea who the appropriate HR person is to contact.

Kind regards,

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Blogger Deia Vazquez said...

I am proud and happy for you.

February 12, 2007  
Blogger A digestora metanóica said...

I'm proud of you as well.

February 12, 2007  
Blogger rich said...

Me too... That was as inspirational as it was funny! :¬) You're destined for great things!

February 12, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Best damn two-week notice I've ever read!!!

No bullshit 'hope we can work together again in the future' or anything like that.

May the corporate bridges you've now burned behind you brighten your path to enlightenment, my friend.


February 12, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm so proud of, and happy for, you, you beautiful, kind, caring, obnoxiously smart, superhero of anti-corporate-reason-based slanderings and malignings.

You've brought this all full-circle Trev, if we only get one life...BE SO PROUD OF THE ONE YOUR LIVING RIGHT NOW. You wouldn't want to get on the bad side of those who love you would ya?
We're all proud of you.
We all knew you could do it.
You did it.
You won.
(or are winning anyways.)
So the world will be a better place now...finally because of someone in it.
You do your thing out there in Africa Trev (and surrounding global areas), those you love will hold down the fort here for ya, and probably bail me outta trouble once or twice in your stead!

Danielle, Michelle, Deia, Brett,and the hundreds of others you've touched are better off for it bud, and you know how cold I'd be without ya, good for you cuz...good for you.
Love ya,

March 09, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Welcome to the world of authenticity....
welcome to your own world !!
How deep do you wanna go ?
A nice trip....
check: or other stuff as ;-)) as you know...
There are others which are on the same track....

April 12, 2007  

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