global warming
from the Toronto Star:
tomorrow's forecast: 24 C and sunny ... but the 'faked out' leaves are freakin' me outResidents who donned their shorts Sunday won't be surprised to find it was a record-setting warm day.
Temperatures at Pearson airport hit 26 C, more than twice the normal high for the day ...
So far October has seen an average of nearly 16 C, while around 9 C would be a normal.“It’s almost seven degrees warmer than what it should be in October and that is quite amazing,” said Phillips. “We should have had a frost by now and we’re not even close to it.”
The lingering frost is why many trees still have their leaves, and in some cases, they’re even green.
“We need a frost or some kind of cool temperature to shock the leaves ... the leaves are faked out.”
new ittwas:
Please talk about the day when you saw the northern lights.
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